Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Scott's Antiques Buying Trip!

Have you all ever been to Scott's Antique Market in Atlanta?  I absolutely love going because you can find everything from upholstery to french buffets to shabby chic pieces.  There is something for every part of your house. I love to go and get ideas even if I'm not looking for something in particular. Here are just a few of the eclectic pieces I found at this month's show.  If you want to check it out, they hold the market the second weekend of every month. Let me know what you think of these pieces!

This is an old ceiling tile in the middle with lots of little tiles surrounding it. Would look great above a fireplace or grouped together as a shabby chic headboard. 

 I fell in love with this mirror so much so that I went back to Scott's on Sunday to see if it was still there. I should have snatched it up Saturday because it was gone Sunday by lunch!  I think this mirror would look great in a bathroom, above a fireplace, in an entryway or dining room.   Who doesn't love a pretty mirror?

These doors were fabulous!!  I couldn't afford this blue one but if I could, I would have grabbed it!  Decorative pieces like these can have so many uses to add punch in your home.  I love the colors and character that they give to a space.

See what I mean by how much fun stuff you can find at Scott's?? I could go the entire weekend and never get bored!   Let me know if you want to go next month!

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