Thursday, June 20, 2013

It's a CONTEST!!!!!

Hope everyone has had a fun and fabulous week!  I was thinking it might be fun to make this week even sweeter so we are having a contest!!!  This is your chance to win one of these fab mirrors! The more you do the greater chances you have for winning! This one measures 22 inches square. Here are the rules to the game:

1.  Share the Facebook page Pop LIfestyle + Design on your timeline and like our page if you haven't done so yet!
2.  Pin this picture to your Pinterest board and tag #poplifestyledesign
3.  Blog this pic 
4. Follow me on Pinterest
5.  Tag this pic on Instagram #poplifestyledesign
Leave me a comment here with what you did and I will announce the winner on Monday, July 1st!  The more you do the greater chances of winning!!  This gives you a full week to share this goodness! 

Good luck!!


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