Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scenes Around Town

Hi friends! Do you remember me? Yes, I know-long time no talkie but I'm back and ready to share some of my new adventures. It's taken me a while because to be honest I haven't felt very inspired but I think I'm "getting my mojo back" as I heard a friend say recently.

This weekend, I  went exploring  in Charlotte and y'all I'm so impressed! So many cute, fun and beautiful interior decorating stores! My first stop was Circa Interiors. As some of you might know they have a sister store in Birmingham and have such a knack for mixing beautiful French inspired antiques with modern pieces. They are a great source for beautiful pillows, lighting, upholstery and antiques. Here are some pics I took while visiting....

Visit their website at

Before we move on to the next store, here is a quote I fell in love with the other day while perusing a new favorite, Emily McCarthy.  She has some great paper goods and so stylish! This quote embodies both of these stores.

My next stop was Mrs. Howard and y'all I fell in love! Everything was showcased so beautifully and made me want to go purchase a lottery ticket ASAP! They have a store at ADAC in Atlanta and one in Charlotte. Take a look....

So, whatcha think? Are you drawn more towards Circa's vibe or Mrs. Howard? Personally, I can say I fell in love with both and can't wait to make these two stores regular stops in my pursuit of things to make my interiors Pop!

Till next time!


1 comment:

  1. What finds! Great looking stuff... I think several things are calling my name ... Hear it all the way from Charlotte... Would hate to disappoint that inner voice telling me to come..and QUICKLY!! Grabbing my purse now!! Keep the ideas coming. Love!!
